I've been doing more thinking than writing recently. I was quite prolific (I think) with my first four posts on this blog with a gap of a few days between each of the first four posts. This fifth one has a massive gap of 23 days.
One possible reason is because my first four posts were mere rants/raves which I liken to streams of consciousness..I just thought, felt and typed whatever came to my mind at that time. This fifth post and probably my sixth and seventh needs to be different. I now need structure: background, reflections, less descriptive and more reflective and a word limit. I can write more than 500 words but not less.
Does structure constrain me?
YES, it does..which is why it's taken me 20 days to start writing.
I've always thought of myself as a creature of rules and order, but now that I've been critically analyzing myself, I realize that I've compartmentalized myself. I'm a creature of habit and order and structure when it comes to work. I prefer to know my duties, hours of work, the scope of my work and have a ready manual to refer to. And yet, outside work, I seem to prefer a non-structured day. I would hate to schedule regular times for reading, TV, exercise, or play with the kids - though I do make an exception for my higher studies, which I tend to keep for after everyone's gone to sleep.
So where does my blogging fit in? Should this be structured time or whenever the blogging mood hits me? Hmm, this is a tough one...my first four posts were written at odd times when the mood struck me. This one is being written during my study hours in the early parts of the morning. That gives me a clue. This blog post is more study than recreation, which is why I'm having such a difficult time writing it. And to think that I have to compulsorily write two more after this?
Yes, dear reader. I'm currently doing a Summer course from Leicester University. It's called
Leicester Award for Employability -Personal Development and Online Networking (I think). The best part of this course is that it's gratis. As in free, on-the-house, without charge. The worst part is that I have to write three blog posts and this is one of them! But allow me to explain further before you think I'm on a rant.
I'm currently doing an MSc in HR from Leicester. I've done two years and have another year to go. Thankfully, I don't intend (for now, at least) to blog about it, because I've spent hundreds of hours reading material and doing assignments that even my husband doesn't want to hear about. Anyways, about two months ago while working on an MSc assignment I got an invite from Leicester asking me if I was interested in a Summer course with that longish name above. I didn't understand much about the course except for two words: employability and free! Two words that most human beings desire. I jumped at the offer and I'm halfway through the course even as I type this assignment, err, bog post, sorry..blog post.
I'm still not sure what to call the course, firstly because it has such a long name and secondly because I don't know too much about the award aspect. On the blackboard, it's called the ONE course which stands for Online Network and Employablity , but having done half the course so far, I prefer to call it MyPB or 'My Personal Branding'. The course takes about 3 months, is completely online and comprises three units:
1. Defining my personal brand (done)
2. Social media for employability (doing)
3. Creating an effective online presence (to be done)
Assuming I complete this course, I get a certificate (I guess that's the award) and it will appear on my academic transcript. But more importantly, I have been coaxed and dragged into the world of social media for networking and getting that new job in HR.
Without going into too many details, I now understand the importance of being in charge of my own digital footprint. Thanks to MyPB, I am now much more aware of social media and have begun using and experimenting with Twitter, LinkedIn and this blog. Earlier I thought a widget was some kind of screw or too. I still don't know what it is, but I've used it to link my Twitter account to my blog!
I've learnt so much about myself through psychometric testing, while defining my personal brand.
I'm beginning to realize the importance of a social media presence for me to be employable! To get that dream HR job. I'm also realizing that it would be useful to check a candidate's digital footprint as an integral part of the recruitment process.
So, there's plenty that I've learnt and would you believe it, I've finally written this blog post! More than 800 words and they kept flowing. I had better keep the rest of my learning experience for my next few posts. Cheers for now.