Monday, 22 July 2013

What is your true calling in life?

Even 10 years into my current job, I still think I joined the sales line accidentally and wonder where my actual calling is. Let me explain:

I work as a Travel Consultant in the Tele-Sales Department of a leading airline in the UAE. When I was appointed, the messages and congratulatory calls from friends made me feel on top of the world. I was working for one of the leading companies in the world. But was this my true calling?

Ten years down the line, in the course of stepping out to work every day- on warm mid-mornings or on hot, mid-day afternoons, has made me reflect on a host of things happening in my life. Glance at any leading news daily and you will notice the ads for Telesales jobs beguiling you with lines like:-“Charm your customer’s sock off!” and “You will never be the same again “ etc.

To really be able to exert your charm is easier said than done. With customers’ attitudes ranging from the gentle and polite to the pompous and down-right rude, the line given in the second ad, proves to be right – work at a Call Center and you will never be the same again!

The old saying, “The years teach much that the days never knew” is a truism indeed. For when I ask myself the question : Have I been able to develop intellectually or gain in maturity over these years? The answer is - Oh yes- in a myriad of ways. With your nerves getting the same dose of medicine I have learned not to blow my top, but to be more patient and understanding of the customer’s needs and his/her temperaments too. I have learned to pick up on the nuances of people’s tones, and wrap up all business calls without a trace of annoyance in my tone of voice.

 Many a times, using a little bit of good humour and diplomacy with my team-mates, has gone a long way in converting what could have been otherwise, explosive situations. In my daily art of living, both on the home-front and in the work-territory I’ve found my most tenacious emotion is “hope”. Yes, hope resounds in my heart, making me anticipate favourable  situations at all times.

The naivety of my earlier years has been replaced by a mind that studies and analyses problems in a more critical manner. I’m not one who likes to begin a conversation- I’m a good listener. But, there have been times when subtle signs from others helped me to realize that.

Finally, focusing on the most important reflection of mine- if I had to choose, would I choose this career again? I think not – though I have gained a lot of experience in dealing with people from all walks of life, if career progression does matter, one needs to look and plan at moving forward. For this, I have taken the first step - improving my academic qualifications. With time things will change. I remain hopeful. 

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