Thursday 22 August 2013

Are presentation skills training a waste?

I'm still working on my online video, so I'm also checking out others, you know best practices and all that. So I came across this really good one which recommends less presentation training and and better content. Everybody drills it into us - eye contact, dress sense, body language etc. But David Levin says unless our content is compelling, all these secondary factors will not matter. Check it out, courtesy of David Levin, author of 'Don't Just Talk, Be Heard.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rose,

    I loved it! It's true in every way. If it's not compelling enough, it risks to be too boring! And yes, the words are so important too. They are the building blocks of your message....

    Good tips here! Thanks a lot for sharing:)

    All the best with your work.

    Hope to keep in touch!

