Sunday, 30 June 2013

Thoughts on development in Mauritius very similar to Goa

Am posting from Mauritius (our favourite getaway). You get a visa on arrival, plenty of smiles and awesome beaches - very therapeutic after that last Leicester assignment. During our visit, we also met up with leading academics, NGO's and even the Minister of Environment & Sustainable Development. It was interesting to get their perspectives on the rapid growth and development taking place in Mauritius.

Every place reminds me of my home-town Goa in India with a huge difference. I see the Goa of 20 years ago in Mauritius. Less pollution, not so much traffic, still peaceful. And yet, I can see the not so good future. If Mauritius does not plan well, it will become today's Goa - chock full of traffic, pollution, too much development, erosion of the coastline. We told everybody we met that if they want to see the future of Mauritius, then they should visit Goa.

What is most promising is that there are many members of civil society in Mauritius who are working behind the scenes to ensure that development is done in a sustainable manner. There is always going to be friction between fast paced development/beach front property sale and community displacement.

I've visited Mauritius three times now and each time I return I can see it becoming more like Goa..I hope my prediction does not come true and civil society and the government keep working at preserving its unique beauty, culture, heritage and environment.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Here's my third post. 

First of all, thanks to all who commented on the blackboard regarding my blog. Most liked my design but I am conscious that more than design or aesthetics, a blog should have content worth reading. 

So what's my rant/rave about today? It's about Facebook and getting a better perspective.  

Each time I go to my newsfeed on FB, I see fabulous updates and photos from my friends all over the world.  Holidaying on the beach, parties on the lawn, fancy pubs, at the spa get the picture. Suddenly my life seems so much more ordinary with my work and then looking after the kids and study late at night. Why aren't I partying or having as much fun? 

Then suddenly the scales lifted off my eyes..don't I always choose the best pics of mine to post on FB. I never put pictures of myself in my old nightgown, or with a sleepy face. It's always the happy smiling ones. I realize now that everybody does that, which means FB is not a real reflection of our life. It's just a tiny slice - and there's so much more to life than FB. 

So folks, when you see fab pics of me and my family on FB and think I'm having a blast - yes and no. Most times, I'm working really hard and have hardly any time for fun and relaxation. Wonder if somebody will come up with a SADFACEBOOK one day? 

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Hmm..I'll begin by musing about life in Dubai, so here goes... Is this a rant or rave?

Dubai has been in the news for its bid to win the Expo 2020. My husband is supporting the bid - he's so pro-Dubai.

From his point of view, winning the Expo bid will mean boost to the economy (!!), lead to an increase jobs and opportunities, increased awareness of Dubai as a global brand...and so on...

As for me, I wonder what it will do to the traffic? And real estate prices? And house rents? And the carpet-bagger returning? I'm thinking just like the middle-class Brazilians protesting about bus hikes and price hikes because their politicians forced the Football World Cup and Olympics on them. I'm sure they are proud of winning the bid - but when taxes and prices go up (but salaries don't), you do wonder and struggle. So, I'm wondering whether winning big bids like the Expo 2020 are good for middle class people. Some people will say the usual - don't like it, go home, but I think this is very negative thinking and doesn't really help.

So that's my latest rant/rave. Let us know what you think, if you wish.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Okay, folks (for now that's my husband and one friend) - and anybody else who came here accidentally. 

I'm now online and on my first blog. 

Well, actually my second. I had one years ago on Geocities - which sadly closed down. So, this is my first, second blog. 

Now - why am I writing a blog? 

I live and work in Dubai - the city with eternal sunshine, provided you have great sunshades & stay out of the sun! 

I have three kids and a sales/consulting career - so juggling work and family life is tough - that's the tax I pay, but nothing to the government. 

As part of my Master's HR course from Leicester University, I am also doing a summer course on Personal Development & Online Employability

More to come later, as the course progresses....